Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Climate Change Event

I recently had the opportunity to attend a one-day event, "Ethical, Cultural and Civic Dimensions of Global Climate Change" in Charleston which was sponsored by the Center for Humans and Nature and Coastal Conservation League.

The main draw for me was the chance to hear Bill McKibben, who is one of my environmental heroes. Other speakers included Kirstin Dow from the Department of Geography at the University of South Carolina; Wes Jackson, founder of the Land Institute; and Dana Beach, Executive Director of the Coastal Conservation League.

Kristin Dow's talk was a good review of the science of climate change and consequences. She ended with this poignant question:
"Our great-grandchildren will know we had this information. What would they want us to do?"

Wes Jackson's talk dealt with a our use of the land and carbon. He had a number quotable facts but this one made an impact on me.
" During the life of a 22 year old today, the world has consumed 54% of the total oil used to date."
Bill McKibben's talk focused on his involvement with national climate change initiative called Step it up 2007 and the need for a new kind of growth which emphasizes local economies. Many of his highlights were from his latest book, Deep Economy.

Dana Beach discussed the activities of the Coastal Conservation League and showed a short lighthearted film on the serious issue of global climate change entitled "Global Warming Guy". The film was produced by Coastal Conservation League and was filmed at various locations in the Charleston, South Carolina area.

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