Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice had it's birth in 1982
in a Warren County, NC landfill which was created to dispose of PCB contaminated soil in a low income, predominately Black community. After years of protest the decontamination of the site was finally completed in 2004.

A new form of environmental justice is on the horizon and it's called climate change. The recent United Nation's IPCC report predicts that the world's poor will be
affected the most by climate change. Increased drought, crop failure, disease, extreme weather events and sea level rise are all likely to fall much more heavily on struggling populations in Africa, Asia and South America.

The faith community is called to care for all of God's children, especially the most vulnerable, and to protect and restore God's creation. It is time to take action to help curb the adverse effects of climate change.

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